'Hunger striker Mehmet Bilgin Oğuz couldn't make the visitation' 2019-03-18 12:33:14   SİİRT- Hayrettin Aykaç, brother of Şemsettin Aykaç who has been on hunger strike for 72 days in Malatya Type E Prison, said Mehmet Bilgin Oğuz could not make it to the visitation room because of his detoriorating health. Aykaç said the hunger strikers are put in one ward together with no companion to help them.   The hunger strikes are expanding after Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven who is on the 131th day of her hunger strike with the demand of the removal of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   Hayrettin Aykaç (29), brother of Şemsettin Aykaç who is on a hunger strike for 72 days in Malatya Type E Prison said that Mehmet Bilgin Oğuz, Sertaç Çelik and Mazlum Dinç are on hunger strike with his brother and they are not allowed to have a prisoner as a companion to help them in their ward.Aykaç who stated that Mehmet Bilgin Oğuz is detoriorating and could not make it to the visitation room, said the letters came for the hunger strikers are not being given to them.   Aykaç who underlined that the demands of the hunger strikers should be taken seriously, said: "Some steps are need to be taken in order to end this isolation.Leyla Güven is on hunger strike for 131 days. Our people needs to claim that resistance.The prisoners are not doing so well.The government has to take steps now before someone dies. The demand of the hunger strikers is just.They demand the isolation on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan must be terminated. This is a lawful demand."