Zülküf Gezen's family refuted the prosecutor's office 2019-03-18 15:37:18 DİYARBAKIR-  Uncle Ahmet Gezen  who stated  that the statement made by Tekirdağ Chief Prosecutors Office does not reflect the truth about Zülküf Gezen who ended his life protesting the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said: "According to the information our attorneys obtained from the prison, Zülküf sacrificed himself in order to protest the isolation in İmralı." Gezen stated that only 4 people were allowed to attend the funeral.  The body of Zülküf Gezen whı ended his life to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was detained by the police in İstanbul Atatürk Airport and brought to Diyarbakır without the knowladge of his family.The Chief of Police who circled the deputies, stating that he will not allow them to attend the funeral, said: "I am the state. There is a state decision. You can not attend the funeral but you can offer your condolences to the family."     People's Democratic Party (HDP) Deputies Pero Dündar, Musa Farisoğulları, Remziye Tosun, Nuran İmir, Feleknas Uca, Saliha Aydeniz and Ayşe Acar Başaran came to the airport to claim the body.The airport was blockaded with hundreds of police officers and armed vehicles to prevent the HDP Deputies from entering. The police, later took the body with rangers and civil vehicles to Yeniköy Cemetary where they dragged HDP Deputies Saliha Aydeniz, Semra Güzel and Nuran İmir on the ground preventing them from entering the cemetary. Zülküf Gezen was buried under police supervision with the attendance of 4 family members.   On the other hand , last night, Tekirdağ Chief Prosecutor's Office made a written statement regarding Zülküf Gezen, claiming that his death had nothing to do with the isolation and that he committed suicide.   Gezen's unclu Ahmet Gezen, stating that the statement of the prosecutor's office does not reflect the truth, said: "Zülküf wanted to join the hunger strike action on March 1 but his friends persuaded him not start the hunger strike because of his health conditions. He was accompanying his friends on hunger strike.According to the information we obtained from his attorneys, Zülküf sacrificed himself to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan."   Uncle Gezen said: "The state forces showed up at our door at 23.00 last night and said they brought the body. They said someone called Aysun was accompanying him. We do not have anyone called Aysun in our family. They told us 'If you want to claim the body, come get him from the airport or we will bury him tonight to prevent the possible incidents that can happen tomorrow.'    Gezen who stated that the family went to the airport to claim the body, said: "We went to YYeniköy Cemetery under police blockade. They didn't even let the deputies to attend the funeral. 4 people from our family was able to attend the funeral."