3 people from one family on hunger strike: Be our voices 2019-04-05 10:14:40   ADANA- Demanding the termination of isolation, Murat, Salih and Suat Şimşek started a hunger strike in the prison they are being kept. Prisoners have sent a message to the public via their families, saying: "Be our voices".   The hunger strike of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven is on its 149th day.  3 people have joined the hunger strike with the same demand from Şimşek family. While Murat Şimşek who is in Rize Kalkandere Prison joined the hunger strike on January 5, Salih Şimşek from Maraş Elbistan Prison and Suat Şimşek from Adana Kürkçüler Prison joined the hunger strike on March 1.   Mother Türkan Şimşek who stated that his son Salih Demir was taken under custody at 18 and remained in the prison for the last 22 years with aggravated life sentence said she visited her son in the prison on April 1 and he told her that they are on hunger strike with 27 of his friends and that their morale is high and he calls for solidarity.   Şimşek who reacted to the silence of the society, said they are not able to eat at home due to the ongoing hunger strikes and they are always alert hoping to hear good news.   Şimşek who stated that the hunger strikes are not supposed to be just the mother's concern, said: "It will not be solved solely on mothers struggle. We are the mothers. This tears us apart.But we can not solve this on our own. The society should claim the prisoners and don't let any more funerals coming out of prisons."