Mother of hunger striker HDP Deputy Dersim Dağ: The way to İmralı should be opened 2019-04-06 12:52:39 DİYARBAKIR- Kudret Dağ, mother of HDP Deputy Dersim Dağ who is on hunger strike against the isolation in İmralı, called on to the Ministry of Justice and said: "The demands must be met, the way to İmralı should be opened." People's Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Deputy Dersim Dağ have joined the hunger strike action on March 3 after a press conference she carried out in her party's distric building. The hunger strike action HDP Deputies Tayip Temel and Murat Sarısaç also participates is continuing for 35 days now. Kudret Dağ, mother of Dersim Dağ, reacted to the silence of the government regarding the hunger strikes and critisized the Kurds who vote for AKP.   Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP) Diyarbakır Milletvekili Dersim Dağ, 3 Mart’ta partisinin il binasında yaptığı açıklamanın ardından PKK Lideri Abdullah Öcalan üzerindeki tecridin kaldırılması talebiyle açlık grevine başladı. HDP milletvekilleri Tayip Temel ve Murat Sarısaç’ın da dahil olduğu Dağ’ın eylemi 35 gündür devam ediyor. HDP’li Dağ’ın annesi Kudret Dağ, hükümetin açlık grevi eylemlerine yönelik sessizliğine tepki göstererek, AKP’ye destek veren Kürtleri eleştirdi.   Mother Dağ who underlined the reason of the isolation in İmralı is a reflection of AKP Government's hostile policies against the Kurdish, stating that the hunger strikes began because of this, said: "We should support our children, If the people of Turkey have said 'No' to the war just like we dedi, thousands of people would not be on hunger strike today.Mothers should defend peace. No one's children should die.If the death of our children tears us apart, so does the death of their children. And it gets deeper with every single death. The mothers of the police and the soldiars should raise their voices as well. Mother's shall no longer cry."    Dağ who reminded that Democratic Society COngress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven is on hunger strike for 150 days today, stating that the hunger strikers in prisons are in critical condition now, called on to the Ministry of Justice and said:"They are all our children, We are under pressure in the prisons or out in the world.Bodies of our children are wasting away day by day. Meet the demands. Open the way to İmralı. No more funerals shall come out prisons. Mr. Öcalan should see his family and his lawyers. That's all they want."