Writer that an arrest warrent issued for: He who speaks about peace, pays the price 2019-04-12 13:14:50 İSTANBUL- An arrest warrant was issued about the writer Gökhan Yavuzel, who wrote and signed the peace declaration for litterateurs. Yavuzel said: "He who speaks about peace,pays the price."   The signatories of the 'Peace Declaration for the Litterateurs' who prepared the declation in solidarity with the academicians who signed the Declaration of Peace during the curfews in 2015, are being punished. Writer Gökhan Yavuzel who prepared the declaration is being accused of 'making propaganda of an illegal organization' for writing and signing the declaration. The hearing of the writers whose number is around a thousand was held in İstanbul 28th Criminal Court. An arrest warrant was issued for Gökhan Yavuzel within this scope.    Yavuzel who underlined that everyone who speaks about peace in Turkey is being punished, said: "They are threatening the people making an example of us. They are warning the people not to speak about peace and shows us as an example." Yavuz called on for unity and solidarity.