Letter from hunger striker Taş to Turkish mothers: Unite with the Kurdish mothers 2019-05-04 10:46:22 İSTANBUL - İsmet Taş who has been on hunger strike for 120 days in Tekirdağ No 2 Type F Prison, addressed to Turkish mothers and said: "If you don't want any more blood shed, unite with the Kurdish mothers and save the futures of your children."   İsmet Taş who has been on hunger strike since January 5 in Tekirdağ Prison, sent a letter via his mother who is waiting a watch in front of Gebze Prison with other Kurdish mothers. Taş stated that the watch the  mothers have been waiting determindly gives them strength and morale.     Taş saluting the mothers waiting watch in front of prison doors, said: "Your unparalelled resistance gives us strength, morale, excitement and it supresses our hunger. We are aware of the importance of your action. The tyrant government that knows this, has been attacking you ruthlessly hoping to frustrate you. But we will not get frustrated. Neither us, nor you. We promise our mothers that we will remind them this one day.As long as the Turkish mothers unite with the Kurdish mothers that has been resisting in front of Gebze Prison for weeks."     Taş who stated that they have been trying for the law to  be applied on every citizen equally, reminded that the Kurdish mothers are doing more than they can to save their children. Taş who stated that Turkish mother should unite with the Kurdish mothers and said: "Hear the voice of the battered Kurdish mothers because that scream is the future of your children. If you don't want any more blood to shed, unite with the mothers resisting in Gebze. That's how you can save the future of your children."