Koçyiğit: People of the region knows their true colours from Sur, Cizre, Silopi and Nusaybin 2019-06-08 14:42:23   İSTANBUL - HDK Co-spokesperson Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit who mentioned AKP İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Candidate Binali Yıldırım's words when he said 'The deputies of Kurdistan', said: "The people of the region knows their true colours from Sur, Cizre, Silopi and Nusaybin. They can't win the Kurds over by speaking a few words in Kurdish in order to look pretty."     AKP İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Candidate Binali Yıldırım went to Diyarbakır for support in the elections and visited his party's Diyarbakır Provincial Presidency. Yıldırım who later visited the shopkeepers in Sur where the bans and the destruction continues, made a statement during his visits. In hi statement, Yıldırım said: "While starting the struggle for independence, even during the war years, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who convened the Grand National Assembly in Ankara, also included the deputies of Kurdistan, the deputies of Lazistan, the deputies of all over Anatolia." People's Democratic Society Congress (HDK) Co-spokesperson Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit evaluated AKP's discourse about the Kurdish Policy that changes evert 2 months.      Koçyiğit who stressed that Yıldırım's discourse about Kurdistan is actually a confession, said: "Yıldırım made a confession but also showed that how unprincipled and spinless AKP is. He revealed that they have a policy that sees the Kurdish as votes and ignoring their basic rights, identities, language and culture on their benefit and confess that they exist if it works for them. AKP thinks that the Kurdish will change their minds on their one word. This is not true. Because we are witnessing thir anti-Kurdish policies from 2002 with all their practices. Their most important discourse about the Kurds was 'Mothers can speak to their children in Kurdish in prisons now'. That means what they offer, what they forsee for the Kurdish that the mothers speaking to their children in their mother tongues in the prions. They define the prisons as realm of freedom for the Kurdish and they have an approach that restricts the Kurds and the Kurdish in those lines. Therefore, I'd like to say that we do not find their discourse convincing. This is a strategy of 'stick and a carrot'. They are trying to look pretty to the Kurdish by saying 'çawanin' and 'deputies of Kurdistan' to the electors, while they are carrying out cross border operations  and winking at the nationalists.This is in fact a sign of a hypocritical policy and how much the AKP is stuck."     Koçyiğit who pointed out that the political power creates discourse on their convenience, reminded that they recieved punishments many times for saying "Kurdistan" in the parliament. Koçyiğit who recalls that they are still being prosecuted for uttering the word 'Kurdistan' in press statements, said: "But when it is convenient for this political power , they can se any discourse to pull the wool over people's eyes how hypocritical it might be."