People of İstanbul: Democracy alliance must continue 2019-06-29 10:02:34 İSTANBUL - People of İstanbul who went to the polls on June 23 elections,stating that it is time for change for Turkey, said the democracy alliance must continue. Following the March 31 elections, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) elections, which were renewed by the Supreme Election Board (YSK) upon the extraordinary objection of the AKP, took place on 23 June. Ekrem İmamoğlu, who won with a difference of approximately 800 thousand votes compared to the previous election, met with the citizens in Saraçhane after receiving his certificate of election. Speaking to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA), while waiting, the citizens said that the democracy alliance should be maintained.     'HDP SUPPORT CAN NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED'     A citizen, Gülten Kızılveren, stating that a discriminating and marginalizing tone hurts the people of Turkey, said: "We are all in unity, integrity and solidarity.We will be integrated like brothers and sisters in Turkey and the world.  AKP have marginalized and separated people. Slanders, lies, false news… people have seen the truth now. People are aware of what is happening, because we are all conscious people, we have become conscious. Social media is very strong in this regard. We read, listen, see. Selahattin Demirtaş’s tweets were very effective. We have received great support from the HDP, and we can never underestimate it. I want the democracy alliance to continue. For us, rights, law, justice and democracy are beyond anything. If people get to live more justly, then we all get to continue our lives more free, independent and democratic. First of all, we'll be happy. Everything will be just fine."   ‘DEMOCRACY ALLIANCE MUST CONTINUE’   Demet Boz, a citizen, said that the AKP lost the election because of its policies and that AKP accused  the citizens of this country of being terrorists by breaking and crushing everyone. Boz, who thanked HDP voters said they wanted the democracy alliance to continue.   Demet Boz isimli yurttaş da AKP’nin politikalarından dolayı seçimi kaybettiğini ifade ederek, AKP’nin herkesi kırarak, ezerek, insanlara “terörist” dediğini dile getirdi. HDP’li seçmenlere teşekkür eden Boz, demokrasi ittifakının devam etmesini istediklerini kaydetti.