Tens of thousands marching to Madimak 2019-07-02 13:49:31 SİVAS - SİVAS - On the 26th anniversary of the Madımak Massacre, tens of thousands of people marched in front of the Madımak Hotel where the massacre took place with the slogan ”We will ask Sivas's account”. Madımak Hotel, where 33 intellectuals came to Sivas to attend Pir Sultan Abdal activities on July 2, 1993, commemorates the 26th anniversary of the massacre.     Tens of thousands of people gathered at two different points in the morning, in front of the cemevi of the Hacı Bektash Veli Anatolian Cultural Foundation and the Sivas Branch of the PSAKD for the commemoration event organized under the leadership of Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association (PSAKD).     Among the participants were Hacı Bektaş Veli Association, Alevi Cultural Associations (AKD), Alevi Bektashi Federation (ABF), Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association (PSAKD), Divriği Village Association and Sivas Democracy Platform, People's Democratic Party (HDP) and  Republican People's Party (CHP) deputies, Democratic Regions Party (DBP), People's Houses, Revolutionary Qizilbash Movement, Partizan, Labor Party (EMEP), and non-governmental organizations.      The crowd gathered at both points then started marching  to Fidanlık Street, the meeting point. Following the merger of the mass here, people started to march towards Madımak Hotel with slogans.     In the march where the photos of those who lost their lives were carried, people also carried and instrument called 'baglama' to represent Hasret Gültekin. During the march, ”We have not forgotten Sivas", Shoulder to shoulder against fascism” slogans were shouted.