Güven: Mothers in white headscarves passed before my eyes when I took the oath 2019-07-11 11:48:56 ANKARA - Leyla Güven, stating that the Peace Mothers, Saturday Mothers, mothers in white headscarves and all women passed before her eyes while she were taking the oath, said she will work for a more democratic life in the coming process.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP Leyla Güven,1 year after the election, sworn in the Assembly General Assembly, began legislative work. Güven answered our questions in the Parliament after the General Assembly.     Güven who was on a hunger strike for more than 200 days demanding the end of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said her health is going in the right direction. Güven stating that she is luckier than those still in prison because she has access to medical care, drew attention to the problems of the hunger strikers in prisons.     Güven stating that they started the hunger strike with the hope of success, said: "I was elected by the will of the Hakkari people while I was in prison. I decided to take such action in prison. I said the isolation is not an approach that the Kurdish community can tolerate anymore and that it has to end. Many of our friends joined my in this demand both inside prisons and out in the world. Because that was the demand of millions. Mr. Öcalan said 'Hope is more valuable than victory', but in any case, it was a deadly path. Irreversable things could have happened. To speak the truth, I did not forsee I could come back in the parliament."   Guven, who defines the Parliament as a ground for the more active execution of democratic politics and the execution of a negotiated manner,stated that she would therefore carry out her work with her friends in the Parliament.     'WE WANTED TO GIVE A MESSAGE TO THE WORLD ’   Güven, stressing that the hunger strike action have been very educational for her, said: "I once more felt with this action the importance of being comrades, being able to sacrifice your life for one another."     Güven said: "Thousands of friends accompanied me and did not laeve me alone in this journey. What left us broken was our 9 comrades who sacrificed themselves on this way. They ended their lives so that we can live. I salut them with respect again. 30 of our friends have started a death fast. All were very meaningful and included deep messages. We wanted to give the world a message. We wanted to say that the whole Kurdish community is under isolation in the person of Mr. Öcalan. I guess we were able to make our voice heard. And this was led by those 9 friends of us at most."     'TO CREATE A DEMORATIC LIFE ’     Güven particularly emphasized the mission undertaken by women in the process of hunger strike actions. Güven who stated that the Peace Mothers, Saturday Mothers, mothers in white headscarves and all women passed before her eyes while she were taking the oath, said: "Despite the violence and the unlawfullnesses of the police, the women did not leave the streets.  I consider this association as a historical fact that will be written in history. Yes, we succeeded, to a great extent, but the fight is not over. From now on, we will continue our struggle in every field in order to create a more democratic life. ”