Same family protects the Armenian Assyrian Cemetery 2019-07-11 15:36:49 DİYARBAKIR - Following the Armenian Assyrian Genocide, the graveyard where non-muslims who lost their lives in Diyarbakır was buried has been proteced by the same family for 90 years. Özgüner ilkılıç who took over the duty from his grandfather Abdulaziz İlkılıç and then his uncles Adem and Edip İlkılıç, said :"We are keeping a watch of what is not here."     After the Armenian Genocide, the properties of the Armenians were either expropriated or were allocated to families with strong ties to the state administration. The remaining ruins and cemeteries of Armenians became the target of treasure hunters. One of these places was the Armenian-Assyrian Ancient Cemetery in Sur district of Diyarbakır.     İlkılıç who took over the duty at the age 38 in 2007 and live in the house built in the cemetery with his 6 children, stressed that he will protect the cemetery as long as he lives and breathes. İlkılıç who considers this duty as a debt to his ancestors, said his father, uncle and grandfather who lost their lives protecting the cemetery were also buried in there.      Pointing out that the biggest problem for Christian cemeteries is the treasure hunters, İlkılıç said: "We keep the watch of something that is not here.They are constatntly trying to dig up the graves looking for treasure. They are pointing guns on us, harassing us.      İlkılıç stating that he was born in the house built inside the cemetery where he protects, said him and his children are being targeted, harassed and insulted on a daily basis for their identity and because he protects the Christian cemetery. İlkılıç stated that him and his 6 children are living on the support of the Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality.      İlkılıç said the one to protect the cemetery after him will be his son Ramazan. He said Ramazan is in the primary school now and he spends most of his day outside the school helping him in the cemetery.     Lastly, İlkılıç making a call to those who are hunting for treasure in the cemetery and said: "My body looks like a map because of the wounds I have from protecting the cemetery from the treasure hunters. I've been shot at, stabbed, beaten. The only call I will make is this: 'There is nothing of value in here'. The only reason I wait the nights here is to prevent ignorant people from destroying the graves and harming the cemetery."