SDF Gabriel: Rocket fired into Ceylanpıınar a provocation 2019-07-23 11:33:35   HASEKÊ - SDF official spokesman Kino Gabriyel, said tha the rocket fired into Ceylanpıınar is meant to spread "confusion."   Six people were injured in Ceylanpıınar as a result of the firing of rockets from Serekaniye. The SDF (Syria Democratic Forces) official spokesman Kino Gabriyel said in a written statement: "On 22 July in the evening a shell was fired from the Syrian border into Ceylanpınar district in Turkey by unidentified persons. Some civilians were wounded."   The statement continued: "Tonight’s provocative act is a clear attempt to disrupt stability in North and Eastern Syria. Security forces are conducting investigation to uncover the source of shell fired into Turkey and the outcome will be shared with public very soon."   Gabriyel added: "The action was clearly meant to provoke confusion by those who don't want peace."   According to the statement, the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) and security forces launched an investigation to identify the perpetrators of the incident.   Gabriyel wished the wounded civilians a speed recovery.   5 WOUNDED   Last night around 21.20, İbrahim Işık (17), Eyüp Atan (9), Ali Işık (21), Hatice Atan (32) and Yusuf Atan (48) were wounded as a result of a cannon ball hitting Ceylanpınar, Ensar Neighborhood. One of the people injured is in critical condition.    The cannon ball hit the district on the day when USA Syrian Special Representative was in Ankara and USA Central Forces (CENTCOM) Four star General Kenneth McKenzie was in Heseké meeting with Syrian Democratic Forces Commender Mazlum Ebdî.   I WILL CREATE AN ACT OF WAR   In a tape between it was revealed that former Minister of Interrior Ahmet Davutoğlu, MIT Undersecretary Hakan Fidan, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Feridun Sinirlioğlu and Chief of General Staff Yaşar Güler talked about creating an act of war. Those names discussing how to start a war in Syria, aimed to use intervention to the Tomb of Suleiman Shah as an excuse. In the aforementioned tape, Hakan Fidan said: "I'll send a few guys to Syria if necesarry. They can fire 8 missiles to Turkey to cause a war. We can make them attack the Suleiman Shah Tomb as well."