Demo for Syrian refugees attacked by racist mob 2019-07-28 09:36:17   İSTANBUL - The protest against the deportation of refugees organised by Mazlum-Der, Özgür-Der, members of the International Refugee Rights Association and the Association of Lawyers has been the target of a racist attack.   Refugees and organisations joined in Saraçhane Park to protest the deportation of the victims of war, as ordered by the Istanbul Governorship.   Police was at the park in high number and were checkng the identities of those joining the demonstration as well as of journalists. Police actually prevented Syrian to enter the park. The demonstrators and refugees were attacked both by a racist mob and the police.   Many women were at the protest chanting slogans against the deportations and reminding people that refugees are not the enemy.   Mazlum-Der Chair, Rıdvan Kaya, who read the joint statement on behalf of the associations promoting the action, said that deporting refugees who are not registered in Istanbul to other provinces or camps is not a permanent solution.   He reminded the government that Turkey is a signatory of the Geneva Convention and its provisions.   Stating that alternative solutions should be considered in order for the refugees to register, Kaya said that all legal rights of the refugees should be respected.   Kaya warned that detention measures would not solve the problem but would actually increase them.   Instead of detention measures, Kaya said that establishing a system in which the NGOs can be active in the process of protecting fundamental rights and freedoms in accordance with international law and domestic legislation would be much better.   Despite the police blockade around the Saraçhane Park, a racist mob entered the park while the organisers of the demonstration were speaking and started disrupting the action.   There was tension as the racist mob shouted insults at the demonstrators.   People from both sides were detained in the action.