2 million TL worth of irregularity from the Cizre trustee! 2019-08-02 09:36:24   ŞIRNAK - Cizre Municipality trustee Faik Arıcan has spent 2 million 43 thousand TL in the parking lot account of the municipality for days before the local elections.   All the work Şırnak District Governer Trustee Faik Arıcan have done for the Cizre Municipality which he indebted it for 220 million TL and transfered its buildings to other institutions, are irregular and contrary to the legislation. Governer Arıcan have instructed to use the 2 million 43 thousand TL that was collected in the parking lot account of the municipality to another job a few days before March 31 elections.   Acccording to the information obtained, 1 million 500 thousand TL of the money was spent on March 27, 500 TL of it was spent on March 29 and 43 thousand TL was spent on April 4.   Şırnak'ın Cizre İlçe Kaymakamı Faik Arıcan'ın, 220 milyon TL borç altına sokup, hizmet binası dahi birçok taşınmazını başka kurumlara devrettiği Cizre Belediyesi’nde yaptığı tüm işler ususüz ve mevzuata aykırı. Kaymakam Arıcan, 31 Mart yerel seçimlerine sayılı günler kala belediyenin otopark hesabında biriken 2 milyon 43 bin TL'yi farklı bir iş için harcanması talimatı verdi.    The review made by HDP administration after they took office showed that the expenditure was contrary to the municipality legislation.   Municipality officials briefing about the issue, stated that the money in the parking lot account was zeroized after the transaction. Authorities stated that this was done to make the municipality unable to work and that the solution to the parking problem of the city was being prevented.