Journalist Güleş not being treated after the hunger strike 2019-08-07 11:28:13   DİYARBAKIR - The 8 prisoners including Journalist Mehmet Güleş in Elazığ No 1 High Security Prison, are not being treated after the hunger strike.    The violations of rights in Elazığ High Security Prison are increasing. It was stated that the treatments of prisoners who participated in the hunger strikes demanding the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is not being done. While some of the prisoners are not being referred to hospital by the infirmary, some of those who were referred are imposed examination with handcuffs, which they do not accept.   Dicle News Agency (DİHA) reporter sent a letter to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) and conveyed the violations.    Stating that he had a vision problem in his eyes after a hunger strike, Gülaş said, "Discomfort in my eyes has been observed for about 2 months after the action. This discomfort is present in 8 people. I can't read or write for 2 months due to the pain in my eyes. They referred me to the hospital from the infirmary, but insisted on examining me with handcuffs so I refused.    Güleş listed the other violations of rights as follows:    "* We can not benefit from the weekly courses and chat.   * Kurdish books are still not given.   * Kurdish letters are neither given nor sent.   * Our books are still limited with 7.   * Evrensel newspaper is not given on holidays. Our subscription to Yeni Yaşam newspaper has not been accepted for 7 months.     *The electricty is out of order in C-28 and C-29. We spent the nights in the dark.   * The prisoners with dental disorders come back without treatment even though they are referred to the hospital. The reason is either lack of a doctor or lack of time for treatment.   * The prisoners who have less than one year are applying to the execution judge but no response is being given. Either positive or negative.