Trustees decision protested in Russia 2019-08-22 10:20:37   NEWS DESK - Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin Metropolitan municipalities were seized by the Turkish regime and Kurds around the world are protesting against the decision. Two demos were held in Russia.     Representatives of the Kurdish institutions working in Moscow and the Kurds living in the Autonomous Republic of Adygea protested the AKP-MHP decision to seize the municipalities of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin suspending their HDP mayors.   Moscow   A press conference was organised at the Kurdish Cultural Center in Moscow.   Essen Araf Azmani co-chair of the Association of Kurdish Social Institutions of Essen, Kurdish Women's Movement chair Julyeta Aram, Moscow Êzdîxan Association co-chair Egîdê Fero, Moscow Kurdish Women's Organization Naze Cemalova and Moscow People's Assembly co-chair Refikê Kamıl attended the press conference.     “The AKP-MHP coalition is an alliance based on hatred towards Kurds. - said the statement -The decision to appoint trustees in Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin metropolitan municipalities, is a blatant violation of the rights of the people who freely voted for their mayors on 31 March. The AKP fascism is implementing a dictatorship that further deepen each passing day in Turkey. The Kurdish people will resist these fascist practices and gain the respect they deserve."   The statement continued: "It is very important for our people to protect the municipalities and not to submit to these dirty conspiracies. We call on all international forces to condemn these anti-democratic practices and to Russia to put pressure on Turkey."   Adygea   The Kurdish Culture Association-Agiri Assembly, based in the Autonomous Republic of Adygea, condemned the Turkish state decision to named trustees in the HDP-run municipalities of Amed, Van and Mardin.   Speaking at a press conference in front of the Adygea Kurdish Cultural Center, Feyzo Hüseyin, member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Russia, said: “The Turkish state insists on war. The Turkish army bombs the Medya Defense Areas on a daily basis and keeps threatening Rojava."     Hüseyin continued: "Now the AKP has dismissed the mayors who were elected by millions of people. Our people should protect our values ??by widening the resistance against this persecution. The Turkish state cannot defeat the Kurds with these dirty games. Those who came before Erdogan tried, but none of them succeeded. Erdogan cannot and will note succeed. The Kurdish people now know very well what they are fighting for and what they want to defend."