'Only way to invalidate AKP's plan to sieze İstanbul is to claim Diyarbakır' 2019-08-27 13:20:40   İSTANBUL - CHP's Barış Yarkadaş who stated that AKP will sieze İBB if they find the opportunity, said: "Government's plan to sieze İstanbul and Ankara Metropolitan Municipalities can only be invalidated by claimin Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin."     After the Ministry of Interrior's seizing of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin Metropolitan Municipalities, President and AKP Leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said: "We will not let this sacred city to be handed over to separatist terror organizations" for İstanbul. That statement of Erdoğan brought forward a question of whether or not  a trustee will be appointed to İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB). Republican People's Party (CHP) MP Barış Yarkadaş evaluated the trustee situation.      Yarkadaş underlining that the AKP will sieze the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality if they find the opportunity, said that the government's plan to sieze İstanbul and Ankara can only be invalidated by claiming Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin municipalities together. Yarkadaş said: "AKP and MHP will try to sieze these municipalities if they get the chance. We know that they are able to do this kind of unlawfulnesses.Therefore, Erdoğan's statement must be taken seriously. In fact, we can read Erdoğan's discourse like this: There wasn't enough reaction to the siezing of the 3 metropolitan municipalities. Therefore, we have to take up a more strong position. Everyone should react the best of their ability to protect the will of the people.     Yarkadaş, stating that the appointment of the trustees in not only HDP's problem, but a problem of upholding the democracy, said: "The government aims to bring to oppostion to their knees by appointing these trustees. We must show that we will not be brought to our knees and we will not accept the trustees in every platform. We know that AKP is seeking revenge from the HDP voters for supporting İmamoğlu in İstanbul elections. But we also know that the voters of HDP are political people and they know what is what."