Sit in on its 10th day in Diyarbakır 2019-08-28 13:59:37   DİYARBAKIR - In Diyarbakır, the 10th of the sit-in protest involving HDP deputies, municipal co-mayors and citizens started with the slogan “Amed ya me ye, rûmeta me ye”. (Amed/ Diyarbakır is ours, its our honour)     The reactions against the dismissal of the co-mayors of the metropolitan municipalities of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin and the appointment of trustees in their place continue. The 10th of the sit-in protest in Diyarbakır started today on Lise Street. 4 streets opened to the point where the protests takes place, is surrounded by police barriers; the citizens and the HDP people coming to the Lise street early in the morning, started the sit in with the slogan “Amed ya me ye, rûmeta me ye”.   HDP deputies Ahmet Şık, Remziye Tosun, Hasan Özgüneş, Tayip Temel, Saliha Aydeniz, Feleknas Uca and Musa Farısoğulları also participated in the sit in.    The leaders of the Left Future Party, the Green Party and the Revolutionary Party are expected to participate in today's sit-in today.