Right violations deepens in Kürkçüler Prison 2019-09-03 10:18:11 ADANA - Mazhar Güler, a prisoner from Adana Kürkçüler Type F Prison sent a letter telling about the violations of rights they are being subjected to. Mazhar Güler, a prisoner being kept in Adana Kürkçüler Type F Prison which is known for the violations of rights, psychological and physical violance, wrote a letter to Humans' Rİghts Association (İHD) and told about the violations of rights they are bein subjected to.  Güler who told in his letter that they are being subjected to inhumane practices, racism and ideologic pressures, said their requests of meeting with the administration to talk about these issues are not responded and their applications are not being put into process.   Güler said their attorneys have contacted with the administration about these issues  and the prison prosecutor have said he will be in an effort for a solution, said nothing changed despite the passing time.  Güler stated that the guards tell them 'We are giving you food, water, what else do you want? You are defying the state'. Güler said: "They are considering themselves the 'state' and considering our requests as a rebel against the state. we are being considered to be living beings that only have the right to food and water.They are acting on orders, not laws. We came to the conclusion that the first director is giving the orders. The prisoners of FETÖ, ISIS and El Kaide are being favoured and leftists and Kurdish are considered to be enemies of the state and approached with hostility. Everyone who enters the prison goes through inhumane practices, even torture."