SDF Commander: 5 tanks destroyed, 6 drones downed in Amude 2019-10-11 09:32:45 NEWS CENTER - We will continue to make sacrifices to defend the achievements made through a struggle of eight years, said SDF Commander on the struggle against Turkish invasion.   Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Commander Amed Amûdê spoke about the battle ongoing in the border area between Turkey and Rojava since the launch of Turkish invasion operation against northern Syria on Wednesday.   Amed Amûdê said that; “Our forces have retaliated the attacks of the Turkish state based on the right to legitimate defense, bringing the whole area from Tigris to Euphrates under fire. Five tracked tanks of the Turkish army have been destroyed in our aggression so far. Our units engaged in clashes in Gire Spi have killed 5 mercenaries and seized their arms. Six drones of the Turkish army have been downed.”   The SDF Commander made clear that; “We do not attack anyone without reason. Even if all of the forces attack us, we will definitely win because we are the true owners of these lands and we defend our people. We have paid prices for this and we will continue to make sacrifices to defend the achievements made through a struggle of eight years.”