Over 500 Iranian professors condemn the Turkish incursion 2019-10-15 13:38:51 NEWS CENTER - Almost 600 Iranian professors teaching all over the world have signed a letter to all "lovers of democracy and the UN" condemning the aggression launched by Turkey against Northern and Eastern Syria.   The letter says: "Since the first days of the formation of Democratic self-rule administration in Syrian Kurdistan, which was formed by the cooperation of all ethnicities and religions in North of Syria, including Kurds, Arabs, Turkmens, Muslims, Assyrians and Christians, Erdogan's government has sought to annihilate the successful experience of the Kurds in establishing a democratic and inclusive government through the political, military and economic support for the related group to Al-Qaeda and ISIS."   The statement adds: "The current regime in Turkey is fully supporting the terrorist organizations showing the climax of barbarism and brutality against Rojava. By blatant violation of all the international laws including the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs of other states, the prohibition on the use of force against neighbors, non-intervention in the exercise of the right to self-determination and the principle of prohibition on directing attacks against civilians, Erdogan has ridiculed the fundamental principles of the international community."   The statement recalls that "during the democratic self-rule of Rojava, no threats have been posed against the Turkish borders which have been among the most stable regions in Syria during the years of civil war."   The professors also underline that "the crime committed by Turkey in the Eastern and northeastern parts of Syria, and helped by the silence and indifference of the international communities, is a flagrant violation" of international law.   The letter adds: "As Iranian university professors, we vehemently condemn this illegal aggression. No government has the right, based on the alleged national security interests, to encroach the territorial integrity and the political independence of other states. The Syrian Kurds, as an inseparable part of the population of the country, have the right to exercise self-determination and to live in peace, and Turkey is not allowed to interfere in their internal affairs, and impose its illegitimate ambitions and desires on Syrian Kurds."