'They tortured us saying that there is a batting order' 2019-10-28 11:52:51 URFA - Mahmut Polat (59), stated that the police who raided his home due to his social media shares, tortured his 2 children and took a medical on their behalf without being examined. Polat said that the police told them there is a batting order, and said: "The government ordered us to shoot if we must, we can kill you here."   Police raided 59 year old Mehmet Polat's house because he criticized the North and East Syria operation on October 19. Both Polat and his two children M.A.p (17) and S.P (20) were taken under custody during the police raid.      Father Polat telling what happened to Mesopotamia Agency (MA), said he invited the Anti- Terror teams who came to their door for a search in and one of the police officers saw the Qoran and told him 'You read Quran and you are a terrorist. Go to the mountains, do not read the holy book'. Polat said he told the police he knows what he is and they should also do that and carry out their search and leave the house. Police told Polat: 'We should have broken down the door and enter. The government ordered us to shoot if we have to. We have the authority to kill you and we can.' Polat told that he warned the police that they are committing a crime but the police kept provoking them and insulted them and his children woke up because of the loud discussion and reacted. Polat told that the police attacked his children, laid them on the ground, handcuffed them behind their backs and tortureed them for an hour.   Polat later claimed that they were taken into custody with his two children and taken to the hospital for a medical check-up, but that the police officers who did let his  children out of the car and took medical reports from the hospital on their behalf without them beinc examined by the doctor.    Father Polat who stated that they pressed charges about the doctors that gave a medical report without even see the children with Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), stated that they will press charges on the police after they gather the necessary documents.