Call for leaders from the victims of Paris: Let's support the Kurds fighting against ISIS 2019-11-01 14:50:17 NEWS CENTER - 44 people survived injured in the Paris attack of ISIS called on to the leaders for support for the Kurds fighting against ISIS with a letter they had written to the Le Parisien Newspaper. The 44 people said in the letter they wrote to the newspaper: "We declare our support and solidarity to the peoples in the northern part of Syria, which has been attacked by the Turkish army."   According to Euronews, the terror victims stating that the Kurds, Arabs, Yazidis, Turkmens and Assyrians are fighting with the enemy of Europe, the ISIS, said: "If we live in peace and tranquility today, we owe it to their struggle. These societies were attacked and occupied in violation of international law. Western leaders left the Kurds alone."   Attorney of the victims Gerard Chemla said: "Turkey's operation is destabilizing the region. We have learned that some ISIS prisoners have escaped. Therefore, we demand the French ISIS prisoners to be brought here and be prosecuted here."   Last week, 31 French Female deputies have written a joing letter and said they supported the Kurdish women fighting for universal values and condemned the Turkish attack.   In the attacks of ISIS in November 13, 2015, targeting many points in Paris, 131 people lost their lives and 413 people survived the attacks injured. ISIS claimed responsibility for those attacks.