'Lives of Assyrians and Syriacs in danger in Til Temir' 2019-11-02 09:36:35 NEWS CENTER - Representatives of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Syriac Military Council (MFS) and Syriac Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces (HSNB) held a press conference highlighting the threat posed by the Turkish military offensive against the lives of Assyrian and Syriac population living in Til Temir region of northern Syria.   SDF Spokesman Kino Gabriel provided information on the latest situation in the region as the attacks of the Turkish state and allied mercenary groups against North and East Syria have not stopped despite ceasefire agreements made for the region.   Syriac Military Council Spokesman Ebjer Yaqûb pointed out the disasters that followed the Turkish state’s military offensive seeking to invade North and East Syria.   Yaqûb recalled that numerous civilians have been targeted in the attacks, while dozens of them were massacred and hundreds wounded. He noted that the attacks also caused major damages to the substructure in the region.   Syriac Military Council Spokesman denounced ongoing attacks by the Turkish state in spite of its agreements with Russia and the US, and despite the SDF adhering to the ceasefire and acting in accordance with it.   He remarked that the lives of Assyrian and Syriac population living in Til Temir were in danger as the Turkish state wanted to massacre these people. He called on the international community, Russia and the US to do their part to stop the ongoing attacks.   Syriac Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces (HSNB) Spokeswoman Nîsha Gewriyê said the following; “The Turkish state continues to pursue genocidal policies against the Assyrian and Syriac people and women. We did not forget the Sayfo genocide perpetrated by the Ottomans in 1915 when more than one and a half million people were slaughtered in a genocidal campaign. The Turkish state seeks to perpetrate more genocides today. The enemy has always targeted women in the first place. ISIS gangs attacked the Xabur villages in February 2015 and savagely murdered a woman named Widad Daud in the same way they have murdered Havrin Khalaf recently. We the Syriac Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces will continue to remain on the frontline and eliminate the threats against our people until the invasion of the Turkish state is repelled.”