İpekyolu District Co-Mayors Arrested 2019-11-12 10:10:49 VAN - Taken into custody on charges of “membership of a terrorist organization” and “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”, İpekyolu District Co-Mayors Azim Yacan and Şehzade Kurt have been arrested.   Detained in house raids in Turkey's eastern province of Van on November 8, İpekyolu Co-Mayors Azim Yacan and Şehzade Kurt have been arrested. They were taken into custody on charges of "being members of a terrorist organization" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization."   After Kurt and Yacan were detained, a trustee has been appointed to the İpekyolu Municipality of Van. Referred to court to be arrested. Co-Mayors Yacan and Kurt have been sent to Van Type T Closed Prison.   In the local elections on March 31, 2019, Şehzade Kurt and Azim Yacan were elected as the Co-Mayors of İpekyolu by receiving 54.4 percent of the votes. Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) candidate Muhsin Aydın, their closest opponent, could receive 40.6 percent.   Including the elected mayors not given their certificates of election because they had been discharged from public service by statutory decrees, trustees have been appointed to 22 municipalities. Among these 22 municipalities are also Metropolitan Municipalities of Van, Mardin and Diyarbakır.   Co-mayors of 11 trustee-appointed municipalities have been arrested.