Peace Academics demanded reinstatement of their rights 2019-12-03 12:09:46 NEWS CENTER - Peace Academics held a protest in front of the Governorship of Istanbul, demanding the reinstatement of their rights which have been seized during the State of Emergency. HDP deputies Serpil Kemalbay, Oya Ersoy, AKP founder Fatma Bostan Unsal also joined the action. The protest took place under heavy police blockade. Academics opened a banner saying "We will take back our seized rights".   Tuna Altınel and Aslı Takanay, who read the statement on behalf of the academics, said that they were subjected to rights violations, threats, attacks and baseless accusations.   The academics reminded that they had been through administrative and judicial investigations and added that at least 822 cases have been opened against academics.   "In January 2016, layoffs started. Under the conditions of the state of emergency announced in July 2016, we were expelled from our universities, forced to resign and forced to retire. We have been deprived of our freedom of travel, our right to a fair trial, our social security."   The academics demanded the reinstatement of their rights because as 522 people have been cleared of all charges and acquitted rights are not yet been reinstated and respected.