15 years of prison requested for Sur Municipality Co-Mayor Buluttekin 2020-01-30 20:16:18 DİYARBAKIR – An accusation was prepared against the co-mayor of Sur Municipality, Filiz Buluttekin, with a request for prison from 7 years 6 months upto 15 years. Among the accusations there listed "Making a silence standing for the respect of the memory of Vedat Aydın, the once-Diyarbakır Chair of HEP (People’s Labour Party which was founded as a Kurdish political party on 7 June 1990 in Turkey)” killed by JİTEM ("Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism”, especially active in 90s in Turkey and was associated with many killings and tortures since those years.) Co-Mayor was imprisoned only after she was taken from her duty as co-mayor in Diyarbakır’s Sur Municipality for which she was elected by people. BOOKS ARE THE SUBJECTS OF ACCUSATIONS In the accusation file of the case against Buluttekin, 7 books found on her apartment on the police raid to her house are listed. The three funeral ceremonies and one condolences visit that she had attended but she had never made any public speech were also listed among the accusations. In addition to these, 37 public speeches she made in the democratic events  held by her party as she was on her duty of HDP Diyarbakır City Co-Chair. SHE ATTENDED THE MOMORIAL OF KILLED POLITICIAN AND SHOWED HER RESPECT WITH A SILENT STANDING Another outstanding accusation in the case file is depending on a news on the New Free Politics (Yeni Özgür Politika) website about the memorial ceremony of killed politician Vedat Aydın, the co-chair of People’s Labor Party (HEP) back in 1990s. The following statements are seen in the accusation file: “There has been a memorial ceremony held for Vedat Aydın on the Mardin Kapı cemetery in our city’s Yenişehir district. In the mentioned memorial it was observed that some speeches were made that can include elements of crime.” ACCUSATION: TO ATTEND WORKSHOP OF KURDISH LANGUAGE Another accusation against the Co-Mayor Buluttekin is about the public conferences and workshops she attended including “Conference of Middle-East Crisis and Democratic Nation Solution”, and “Workshop of Kurdish Language.”. Her party activities such as attending her party HDP’s (People’s Democratic Party) election events, women cnferences, solidarity protests with the HDP parliamentary member Leyla Güven when she was on hunger strike and her home visits to Leyla Güven so on so fort. SHE ATTENDED PROTESTS AGAINST TRUSTEES “Long live the prison resistance” slogan was included in the accusations against Buluttekin.  List of accusations goes on as follows: Newroz celebrations, the opening of election bureaus of her party HDP, her attendance in the celebration of election results, her attendance in the democratic protests against the trustees assigned for the places of elected mayors including Diyarbakır Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı’s removal from his duty and er attendance to the September 1 World Peace Day meeting.