‘If no result is achieved in the murder investigation of Tahir Elçi, we will apply to Constitutional Court’ 2020-01-31 16:16:27 DİYARBAKIR - Diyarbakır Bar Association President Cihan Aydın, who stated that they would apply to Constitutional Court if Tahir Elçi's murder investigation does not conclude in a solid result, told that there are also serious deficiencies for the investigation of Gülistan Doku who was lost with no information in Dersim city of Turkey. “Tahir ELçi Human Rights Stand” event, which has been organized every week in front of the Diyarbakır Courthouse building in order the perpetrators of Tahir Elçi to be found and judged before the law, was held 213rd time today. In the event the poster drew attention, written on it: “Em te ji bir nakin / We won’t forget you”. A number of lawyers were present in the event. Diyarbakır Bar President Cihan Aşkın stated that the judicial authorities should be aiming the end the investigation of Tahir Elçi’s murder in a solid result.   ‘GÜLİSTAN DOKU MUST ABSOLUTELY BE FOUND’   “Tahir ELçi Human Rights Stand” 213rd week had the main theme of Güistan Doku and her whereabouts, as she was announced to be lost on January 5 in Dersim and still has not been found. Reminding that no one has not heard anything from Gülistan Doku for 27 days, Aydın raised a call to the authorities: “We have shared the details of the report of our meeting with the authorities on this case. There are still some questions remaining to be unanswered. There are some procedures of investigations, which are lack, and these should be completed in order to reach the solid reality. We demand these deficiencies in the file of investigation to be completed. Gülistan Doku must absoolutely be found.”   ‘SERIOUS DEFICIENCIES IN THE INVESTIGATION’   Drawing attention that in the file of investigation of Güliaston Doku, the main point focused on is the possibility of suicide, Aydın told that the possibility of being killed is not considered hard enough. Aydın ended the statement as follows: “All of the option of suicide and murder are equally standing on our table as probable possibilities for us. All of these possibilities should be considered and investigated. However, Dersim Chief Public Prosecutor focuses on more on the possibility of suicide. Even though there is not so much of a data or signs related to suicide, the prosecutor’s focus on suicide is a serious problem for us and we consider this as a deficiency. They have not still confiscated even the mobile phone or the computer of the person who is stated to be the boy friend of Gülistan Doku. This is a deficiency in the file of investigation and we demand these missing parts to be fulfilled. We raise the question here one more time: What happened to Gülistan Doku and where is she?”