Suruç Case: Felon’s dock is empty! 2020-01-31 18:39:50 URFA - In the last trial of the ISIS-bomb attack in Suruç (in Urfa city) where 33 people were killed, it is stated that Abdullah Ömer Aslan the Mosque Imam was let go and the felon’s dock was empty. The demands of the lawyers were rejected as there was reaction against the never coming 5-hour-footage that has been demanded for 5 years. The 13rd hearing of the case for the massacre of ISIS of 33 people who came together in Suruç by the call of Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) back in July 20 2015, was concluded in Urfa 5th Heavy Penalty Court. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Urfa parliamentary member Ayşe Sürücü, the lawyers from Urfa, Antep and Diyarbakır Bars, The families of the killed and the survivors of the attack were present in the hearing. Suspect Yakup Şahin was only listened in the case through the Sound and Video Information System (SEGBIS) from the prison he is kept and so he was not present in the courtroom. THE IMAM SHALL BE PRISONED The Mosque Imam Abdullah Ömer Aslan’s conflicting statements were taken attention and it is stated by Mehmet Şerif Akkalı as follows: “This person shall be prisoned and questioned. An ISIS flag was found in this person’s bag. How did the security forces let this man go?” IT HAS BEEN 5 YEARS, BUT THE FOOTAGE OF 5 HOURS IS NEVER FOUND The father of Çağdaş Aydın (killed in the Suruç massacre), Fethi Aydın told: “I have come 300 kms of road from Istanbul and I have been doing this for all the 13 trial. We are most of the time hungry and tired. It has been 5 years, but the footage of 5 hours was never borught to the trial, it is lost. Isn’t there anyone to bring this footage to the light? We will make the ideals of our children real and I will follow this case till the end. My faith in judgement decreses.” THE TRIAL IS FULL OF LAWLESSNESS Lawyers of the victims Sezin Uçar told that another trial full of lawlessness has passed, they have made a number of complaints against many perpetrators, institutions and witnesses, but non of these were accepted.  Uçar’s statements continued as follows: “The Massacre of Suruç is one of the deadliest massacres of this country. ISIS have made many massacres in this country. These massacres are evaluated separately. What supposed to be done, on the other hand, is to take them all together in their connection. We have told many times that Abdullah Ömer Aslan was a perpetrator. However, each time they rejected to hear him as a witness. We have always told that his statements were conflicting and again there was no progress on this manner. We have made all the accusations for all the probable suspects of this massacre. The members of ISIS have made meetings with the upper authorities of this state, but why does this situation remains unseen?” ‘WHY NOT HEAR DAVUTOĞLU?’ Urfa Bar President Lawyer Abdullah Öncel made another defense speech where he stated that this massacre had hurt the public conscience.  Öncel continued his defense speech as follows: “We have seen that those barbarians (of ISIS) was blinked an eye by Turkish politicians. There was never an effective investigation conducted on this case, but it is still not too late. We want the only imprisoned offender of this case, that is Yakup Şahin, to be brought in the courtroom and if not, tell us the reason why. National Intelligence Agency (MIT) makes international operations. Therefore, this state has the power to do so.  Is the power of this state not enough to bring Deniz Büyükçelebi and İlhami Bali? Now after years, we have witnessed the new statements of Ahmet Davutoğlu. He was the Prime Minister of this country when the massacres in Diyarbakır, Ankara and Suruç, why not hear him?  As the court board, you cannot bring the children of these families back, but you can secure the justice. This state is able to bring Deniz Büyükçelebi and İlhami Bali to this courtroom and continue this case with them present here. And again, bring Yakup Şahin to this court.” THE DEMANDS ARE REJECTED The court, after an hour of recess, rejected the demand s of the victim’ lawyers as to make Yakup Şahin ready in the courtroom and the Imam Abdullah Ömer Aslan’s immediate imprisonment. The trial is postponed to May 20 2020.