It is the poor and the peasants, who uses the mother language most 2020-02-09 14:34:04 NEWS CENTER - The Center for Socio-Political Field Studies has reached into a conclusion by their investigation on the relationship between the socio-economic status and cultural status and the usage of mother language that the mother language was used mostly in the home, among the people with low income and peasants. According to the results of the research by the Center of Socio-Political Field Studies, it was stated that 26.9 percent of the interviewed people were not literate, 6.4 percent did not have a diploma but were literate, and 30.2 percent were only primary school graduates. While it was concluded that 65.8 percent of the interviewees did not work in any income generating job, 53.5 percent of all interviewees were determined to have an income of 2 thousand Turkish Liras and below. While 78.7 percent of the interviewees were Kurdish, 13.9 percent were Turkish, 4.6 percent were Arab and 0.7 percent were of different identities, as 2.9 percent refrained from specifying ethnic identity.   According to the findings of the research, the following are stated:   KURDISH IS PREFERRED AT HOME   For the question of “Which language do you prefer to use at home?”, 65,8 percent of the interviewees give the answer of Kurmancî, 26,6 percent said Turkish,  4 percent said Arabic and 3,6 said they prefer Zazakî. Therefore, the ratio of usage of Kurdish language (Kurmanci-Zazaki) at home came out to be 69,4 percent.   MOTHER LANGUAGE COULD NOT BE USE IN OFFICIAL INTITUTIONS    It is recorded that official institutions are among the places where the usge of mother language is the least preferred. According to the research, while 88.1 percent of the participants stated that they speak Turkish in official institutions, only 11.7 percent said that they speak Kurmancî, 0.1 percent said that they speak Arabic and 0.1 percent said that they speak Zazaki. In all the researches, official institutions were determined as the places where the usage of the mother language is least observed.   THE POOR AND THE PEASANTS USE THE MOTHER LANGUAGE MORE   In the study, it was concluded that as the income status increases, the preference of the usage of the mother language decreases. While the ratio of the usage of Kurdish in the homes of those whose monthly income is between 0 and 1000 TL is stated to be 78,3 percent, the preference of the usage of Kurdish falls only a bit above the 50 percent in the homes of those whose monthly income is above 5000 TL. It is also among the findings of the study that those who were born in the village prefer to use mother language more than  those born in the city.