HDP Delegation heads to Başkale 2020-02-25 10:10:45 ANKARA - A delegation formed by HDP is going to the earthquake hit district to investigate in which 9 people died in Başkale district of Van. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) formed a delegation to investigate in the Başkale district of Van, where 9 people lost their lives due to the 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Xoy, Iran. HDP Press Office noted that the delegation will be there at 10:00.   The delegation consists of Van MPs Murat Sarısaç and Muazzez Orhan, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Berdan Öztürk, People's Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Spokesperson Sedat Şenoğlu, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, HDP PM members and Co-Mayors.