Journalists Çelik and Keser in custody 2020-03-08 13:04:39 ISTANBUL - Yeni Yaşam Newspaper's Responsible Editorial Manager  Ferhat Çelik and Editor in Chief Aydın Keser, are taken into custody by the objection of the prosecution regarding their release yesterday. Çelik and Keser are expected to be brought to the prosecutor on duty today. Yeni Yaşam Newspaper's Editor-in-Chief Mehmet Ferhat Çelik and Responsible Editorial Manager Aydın Keser were asked by the police to give statements on the grounds that they published news about the death of soldiers in Libya in their newspaper Yeni Yaşam. Both journalists were released on the condition of forensic control after the statements the other day.   After the prosecutor objected to the decision, police raided Keser and Çelik's houses in the early hours of the morning. While Keser was taken into custody, Çelik, who was not present home during the raid, was called and asked to come to the police station. Çelik then went to the Istanbul Police Department on Vatan Street with his lawyers.   Çelik and Keser’s statement on police station has ended. Çelik and Keser, who were taken to the hospital for health checks, are expected to be brought to the Istanbul Courthouse on duty.   AĞIREL WILL BE ADVISED   On the other hand, the writer of Yeniçağ Newspaper, Murat Ağırel, is expected to be brought to the on-duty prosecutor's office, after the statements of the police have ended and the health checks at the hospital.