DFG: 10 journalists has been imprisoned in Turkey in the last 4 months 2020-05-03 17:40:31   DİYARBAKIR - Journalism is among the most dangerous professions in Turkey, stated Dicle-Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) in their report on the last 4 months that they announced regaring the May 3, World Press Freedom Day. Dicle Fırat (Tigris Euphrates) Journalists Association (DFG) shared the information on their report that 104 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey. "TURKEY HAS A BAD TRANSCRIPT IN TERMS OF FREE PRESS" The statement declared on behalf of DFG includes the following comments: "Although the aim of the United Nations (UN) was to bring ethical journalism to the fore and prevent pressures against the press, when they declared MAy 3, unfortunately this has not been achieved as the attacks on the free press around globe continue increasingly. While the rulers continue to feel uncomfortable with the journalism regarding the truths, media workers who try to share the truth with the society try to perform their professional dutyies against many difficulties. PRESSURES ON JOURNALISTS AND CENSORSHIP HAS INCREASED Especially in Turkey, we see these problems increase. Turkey has always had a bad reputation regarding journalism and its transcript is really bad in terms of free media. Governments have changed, but journalists were always on the spot, targeted. However, especially during the 18 years of AKP government the pressures and censorship has increased as never before. Turkey is in the 154th row in the list of countries regarding free press, according to RSF (Reporters Without Borders). In the first months of 2020, the evaluation of the pressures against journalists in Turkey prove that nothing has changed. Journalists in Turkey face custodies, imprisonment, court trials and many attacks. Erdoğan's statement calling the journalists "viruses" is an adequate instance of the state approach." IMPRISONED JOURNALISTS SHOULD BE RELEASED Thousands of ordinary prisoners have been released, some of them continues to commit crime as they get out., but the imprisoned journalists whose only crime was to make news are kept in prisons amid coronavirus pandemic. This is unaccaptable, in terms of law and free press. We repeat this one more time; imprisoned journalists should be released." 104 PRISONERS JAILED According to the information shared in DFG report it was stated that in the last 4 months, 29 journalists have been taken into custody, 10 of them were imprisoned, 4 of them were attacked, 26 of them are under investigation and 14 of them are on trial. As 15 of the journalists were given penalties as a result of judicial trials, 277 websites were banned. Reports records that 104 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey by May 2020.