Cancer patient prisoner: Hear my voice 2020-05-05 15:45:19 İZMİR – Cancer and tuberculosis patient Mehmet Salih Filiz, a prisoner in Ödemiş Prison, stating that he has been detoriorating, made a call and said  'Please hear my voice'.   Mehmet Salih Filiz (23), who is in Izmir Ödemiş T Type Closed Prison who suffers from colon cancer, osteoporosis and tuberculosis, spoke to his brother Şehmuz Filiz in his weekly phone call and told what he has been going through.   Filiz, stated that his health is changing for the worse. Filiz who stated that he had diarrhea and intestinal bleeding since May 1st, said: "My cell friends are really making an effort due to the seriousness of my situation. EVen though they insist that the prison administration do something, they chose not to. The guards say they should dress the bleeding and make shift with it. Some guards in some particular shifts are particularly mean. They are constantly teasing me. I will have to stay in quarantine for 14 days if I go to the hospital. I can't be alone in quarantine because of my situation. Sometimes I lose consciousness because of the bleeding. We appealed to the prison administration to permit one of my cell mates to stay with me during quarantine but they rejected it. Please her my voice."