Seriously ill prisoner Kaya: I can't hold on anymore 2020-05-06 15:05:30 OSMANÄ°YE - Seriously ill prisoner Sabri Kaya called his family and said: "I can't hold on to life anymore'. Seriously ill prisoner Sabri Kaya being held in Osmaniye No 2 Type T Prison, called his family and explained his situation. Kaya said: "I can't hold on to life anymore. I am dying."   His daughter Dilan Kaya, explaining that her father is still in the prison infirmary, said: "My father is in a very bad state. He can die any moment. We broke down when he called us and told that he was dying. We went to Osmaniye Prison and demanded to speak to the prison administration. The prison ward did not accept to see us. I don't want my father to die. Don't let our father die. Release him. Please."   Kaya who's heart works at a capacity of 25%, had a heart attack and a brain hemorrhage on March 25. He was taken to intensive care unit 3 times and sent back to prison, saying he was fine. He was also taken to the hospital 14 times in 42 days.