Police fires gun into the air to scare the children 2020-05-10 08:44:57 MARDİN - During the curfew declared on May 1 as part of the coronavirus pandemic the police entered the TOKİ block area located in the Fırat District of the Nusaybin, Mardin. As the police fired their gun into the air, they tried to take young children playing in the garden into custody    The citizens living in the neighbourhood took footages of the police as the police used their gun and fired their gun into the air just because of some children who were out to play in the garden of their apartmen building. As the guns show up children were terrified and they all ran into their buildings from the police.   Poice tried to take  B.E, an 8 year-old boy with mental disability into custody. Having taken refuge in the entrance of the building with fear, B.E. was catched by the police and he was taken to the armoured vehicle. As it was learned, police harrasted the kid with insults. Despite the fact that some citizens who ran out to their balconies stated that B.E. was mentally disabled, the police continued their insults.   While the surrounding citizens reacted to the incident, the police defended themselves on the ground that "there was a curfews".   B.E. is still under trauma due to this police violence he was exposed to.