The family of the child exposed to police violence talked 2020-05-10 13:21:21 MARDİN - The parents of B.E., aged 8, who was chased in the garden of the aparment he lives with his family by the armed police firing in the air, talked about what happened int he incident to our agency.   As the Nusaybin DG announced a statement early on Sunday about the incident that came out in the light and informed the public that the police office in question were dismissed from all his duties. In the statement of DG it was also claimed that the incident happened after "a group threw stones to the armed vehicles".   FATHER: HE COULD NOT COME TO HIS SENSES FOR THREE DAYS        The father of B.E., Mehmet E. told what happened in the incident to our agency:   "My kid went out to play in the garden of our building. When my kid was taken by the police, he almost lost his soul out there. He was scared to death. His psychology is ruined and he could not come to his senses for three days after the incident."   Mother Vecihe E.  spoke about her feelings and told: "When my son arrived home he gre pale. He was hardly breathing. I felt so scared seeing him like that. What happened to him happened at our garden. This is not an incident any human being is supposed to commit."   MA / Ömer Akın