Goes beyond the limits of forbearance 2020-05-11 11:33:19 İSTANBUL -  Different faith circles, which evaluated the destruction of cemeteries and attacks on funerals as "inhuman practices", stated that their tolerance limits were exceeded by these attacks. Everyday a new attack is being carried out against the graves of those who lost their lives in clashes with the Turkish law enforcement units. The last examples of these attacks were the attack on the grave of Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek who lost his life after he was hospitalized following the break he gave on the death fast and the attacks against the gravestones of 6 PKK members in the İdil district of Şırnak.    HDK: THIS IS FASCISM COMING INTO EXISTANCE   Evaluating these attacks, Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Peoples and Beliefs Commission Member Edip Aslan pointed out that there have been many attacks against the things people holds sacred. Aslan underlined that these attacks are attacks against the values of people, said these attacks are deeply related with the  politicization of religion. Emphasizing that the attacks on cemeteries and funerals are more intense in the Kurdish cities, Aslan evaluated the recent attacks as 'fascism coming into existance'.   DİK: THESE ARE INHUMANE PRACTICES   Democratic Islam Congress (DİK) member Medine Gök said: "Cemeteries are sacred in all religions. Today those cemeteries are attacked and being destroyed illegally. We are face to face with an understanding that attacks the values of people. Everyone who has a conscience should stand against these inhumane attacks. This is both a moral and religious obligation."   DİAYDER: RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS SHOULD MAKE A STATEMENT   Ekrem Baran, President of the Istanbul Religious Scholars Association (DİAYDER), stated that cemeteries are sacred in all beliefs. Stressing that human beings are innocent regardless of their religion, color and ethnicity when they die, Baran said that an attack against a grave should be considered to be made against humanity. Stating that these attacks harms the possibility of Turks and Kurds living together in peace, said the Directorate of Religious Affairs should make a statament to ease people's conscience.   DAD: GOES BEYOND THE LIMITS OF FORBEARANCE   Democratic Alevis Association (DAD) Co-chairman Saime Topçu, mentioning the abduction of the body of Grup Yorum member İbrahim Gökçek and the attack against the Gazi Djemevi, said: "The fact that the police breaking down the doors of the Djemevi, abducting the body of Gökçek from the morgue and taking people under custody from the djemevi can not be explained by religion of conscience. The attacks against our places of worship goes beyond the limits of forbearance."   Stating that the attack on the djemevi was not only an attack on the Alevis, but all beliefs, Topçu said: "This is on AKP- MHP goverment's head. We are addressing those who plant seeds of hate. Know your place. Don't cross the line."     MA / Naci Kaya