Seriously sick prisoner Kaya taken into Intensive Care 2020-05-13 13:40:32   OSMANÄ°YE - In what is clearly a heavy harassment and violation of the right to life, ill prisoner Kaya was taken to hospital once again, after suffering intestinal bleeding in prison.   Ill prisoner Sabri Kaya was sent back to prison once he arrived to Adana City Hospital. He was told there were no beds and no condition to take him in because of the coronavirus pandemic.    Kaya was thus sent back to Osmaniye prison on Monday, only to be taken to hospital again (this time to Osmaniye State Hospital) on Tuesday, after suffering intestinal bleeding.   Sabri Kaya is held in Osmaniye No. 2 T Type Closed Prison and suffered intestinal bleeding while in his ward at around 2 am on Tuesday.   Kaya, who was treated in the emergencies ward because there was no room in intensive care, was finally taken into intensive care only as a result of his family's intervention.   Dilan Kaya, Sabri Kaya's daugther, said: "My father's condition is not good. They kept him in emergencies at Osmaniye State Hospital until the morning. Doctors said there was no place in intensive care. He needed to be taken in intensive care, but this did not happen until 4 pm."   Kaya, who was taken into intensive care after suffering a heart attack and brain hemorrhage on March 25, was sent back to prison. He was told that he was "in good condition."    He was taken to the infirmary and to hospital a few times more, and finally on Monday he was referred to Adana City Hospital only to be sent back to prison until Tuesday.   Kaya, who has not been released despite the deterioration of his health condition, said in a telephone conversation with his family on 6 May: "I no longer have the strength to cope with all this. I will die."