Criminal complaint against destruction of graves 2020-05-14 09:43:33 ANKARA - The HDP has filed criminal complaints for the destruction of cemeteries by Turkish security forces in Turkey's Kurdish provinces.   The Justice and Human Rights Commission of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has filed criminal complaints with the public prosecution offices in several Kurdish provinces concerning the destruction campaign targeting the graves.   In its criminal complaints, the HDP refers to the constitution and the Turkish penal code, stating that "these inhuman attacks, which degrade social values, must be stopped immediately and the perpetrators punished.   In Hakkari, Van, Muş,Diyarbakir, Bingöl and Şırnak, Turkish security forces systematically use brute force against graves. Entire cemeteries have been devastated, gravestones smashed. The destruction of graves has been a long-standing practice of the Turkish state, but has recently taken on an even more systematic dimension. The tens of thousands of martyrs of the Kurdish are intended to be erased from the social memory.