Brought to the court with walking stick, Hayriye Demir released


DİYARBAKIR - Women detained in Diyarbakır stated that the cells in which they were kept lack hygiene and they are not given water. 70-year-old Hayriye Demir, who was detained in a raid in her home, was brought to the court, as she was only able to walk with her walking stick.

23 women, including the journalist Ayşe Güney, the spokesperson of Mezopotamy aWomen Journalists Platform Spokesperson and editor of Jinneww, Ayşe Gökkan, the spokesperson of the Free Women Movement (TJA) and 70-year-old Hayriye Demir, who were detained in home raids in Diyarbakır yesterday have seen their lawyers on Wednesday for the first time. The women shared what they have been through during their detention through their lawyers. 
The women in custody in Diyarbakır Police Headquarter shared the information that they could not access the cleaning and hygiene materials and that the cells lacking all hygiene conditions are very dirty and unhealthy. The women also shared that they are using wipes in order to clean their cells. 
The women in police custody also shared that they provided their own masks with their own means and that there are ill women among them who need to drink water frequently, but they are not given enough water. It was learned that some women suffer from constipation due to lack of water.
Lawyers who wanted to bring water to 23 women in custody were told by the police, "We already give them enough water."
Hayriye Demir was also detained in a military raid on her home in Diyarbakır. 70-year-old woman was accused of "carrying out activities on behalf of an [illegal] organization" based on the political events she participated. Demir was referred to the courthouse on Wednesday. Demir who has difficulty walking and brought to the courthouse with a walking stick was referred to the Magistrates' court by the prosecutor with a demand of release. The court ruled the release of Demir, but imposed a ban on her leaving the country.

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