Allegation of 42 billion dollar agreement between AKP and KDP

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  • 13:19 6 September 2021
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HEWLÊR - Stating that the money obtained from oil and deposited to Turkish banks were used against the Barzani family, Polat Bozan, a politician from Federated Kurdistan said KDP was acting in line with Turkey for this reason.

The operation launched by Turkey on April 23 against the Federated Kurdistan Region has been going on for more than 4 months. In addition to the operations of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions, Maxmur Camp and Shengal under the control of the United Nations (UN) are shelled with warplanes and drones. It is noteworthy that the attacks took place right after the meeting between the USA and Turkey and the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kazimi's visit to Shengal.
Bozan said that Turkey's continuing airstrikes against the region in recent weeks were related to the operation launched on April 23, and that Maxmur and Şengal were obstacles in front of "Turkey's project to invade Federated Kurdistan".
Noting that Turkey is deepening the deadlock in the Kurdish question with each passing day, Bozan said, “As a result of this deadlock, attacks were launched in all four parts of Kurdistan. However, Turkey has reached a stalemate in all four parts. Turkey's fascist policies regarding the Kurdish question are being defeated with each passing day. Turkey's operation to invade Bashur Kurdistan has been continuing since April. Turkey was of the opinion that it will seize the areas where the operation was carried out in a short time, but this has not happened so far. On the three fronts of the operation, Turkey did not make any progress, on the contrary, it reached a stalemate. Being in deadlock, Turkey attacks the region with chemical weapons which is the most immoral way of attacking people."
Stating that Turkey aims to "occupy" the entire Federated Kurdistan Region with the operation, Polat said, "Turkey is pursuing the dreams of the National Pact by increasing its military and political influence in the region. KDP and Barzani family give the greatest support to Turkey in every way. The KDP is in an alliance with Turkey for this invasion to take place. It is extremely ugly that a party that has the name Kurdistan in it, supports an anti-Kurdish force. The relationship between Turkey and the KDP can only be explained by betrayal. Betrayal has always been a great scourge in the history of the Kurdish people. This is the summary of what happened today. Today, while the PKK is the leader of freedom, the KDP is the representative of treason.”
Pointing out that there is a historical bond between Turkey and the KDP, Polat said, “This relationship has always stood against the national unity of the Kurds. The KDP has always been used against Kurdish freedom movements. The KDP was used militarily against the PKK in 1992-95-97-98 and in Rojava. Relations between Turkey and the KDP does not only constitute a military allianc. They have collaborations in every area. A secret 50-year agreement was signed with Turkey. What is included in this agreement is not disclosed. Again, one of the allegations made in the region is that $42 billion of the Barzani family is in banks in Turkey. Barzani has invested $42 billion from Kurdistan's oil in Turkey's banks, and this is being used by Turkey against Barzani."
Pointing out that Turkey has economic, educational and political dominance over the Federated Kurdistan Region, Polat said, “An agreement was made over the waters flowing to Bashur (South) from Bakur (North). At the same time, there is an agreement regarding the mines in Bashur. Turkey also dominates the Federated Kurdistan government in terms of economy and education."
Stating that what has been going on in Shengal is a result of the agreement made between Hewlér and Baghdad, Polat said: "With the Shengal Agreement, the massacre carried out by ISIS is wanted to be continued. If Maxmur and Shengal resists against the attacks of Turkey and the KDP, Turkey's plans to invade the region will take a hit."
Mentioning that there is an increase in the ISIS attacks around Maxmur and Kirkuk lately, Polat said: "These gangs come to an agreement with the KDP through Hewlêr. They are deliberately placed in Maxmur and Kirkuk. The number of ISIS members increased in Maxmur lately and they are carrying out actions every day. According to the information obtained, talks are held with these forces for the realization of the invasion plan. These forces were invited to Turkey for meetings."
Stating that ISIS is wanted to be strengthened in the region, Polat said: "A chaos plan is being made by the hand of NATO and ISIS in the region. They want to create instability in the region. Even if there are elections in Iraq, I hope that the elected government will provide stability. All indications point to chaos in the region. These attacks also provide an opportunity with itself. If the Kurds unite in all parts, they can respond to all attacks. We can gain great experience from these attacks."
MA / Erdoğan Altan

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