Şenyaşar family: Three seasons passed, still no justice

  • actual
  • 14:02 6 September 2021
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URFA - Staging a sit in in front of the Urfa Courthouse for 182 days, Ferit Şenyaşar told that three seasons have passed since they first sat in front of the courthouse and still the justice is nowhere to be found.
The sit in Şenyaşar family refers to as the 'Justice Watch' started by Emine Şenyaşar who lost her husband and two sons in the attack carried out by the relatives and bodyguards of AKP Urfa MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız and Ferit Şenyaşar who survived the attack wounded is on its 182nd day today. 
Speaking to MA in front of the court house, Ferit Şenyaşar said: "As the Minister of Justice says, we are waiting at the gates of the court house for justice for 182 days. Everyone sees the injustice. We don't want people to look at us in pity anymore. We want to go back to our lives. The minister spoke at the Opening of Judicial Year. Justice will not come with words. Everyone sees what was done to us. There is a mother sitting here in pain. All she wants is justice. Either provide justice, or resign! Don't just speak about justice!"
Reminding that they started the Justice Watch in March, Şenyaşar continued: "Three seasons have passed. We did not think it would take so long when we first started the sit in. There is a massacre recorded by cameras. It took place in a state hospital. No law suits have been filed against the perpetrators because they were relatives of an AKP MP. I am calling on the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. How can you look at your children's face when you put a mother in so much pain? Either provide justice, or resign!"
Tagging the Twitter accountr of Ministry of Justice and Urfa Chief Public Prosecutor Önder Yeniçeri, the family posted the following on Twitter, "This mother has been waiting at the doors of the court house for 182 days. Everyone sees the cruelty done to her. How can no one stop this? You Public Prosecutors, if the superiors do not let you provide justice, resign!"

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