House raids in many cities: 21 detentions

  • actual
  • 14:57 15 February 2022
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NEWS CENTER - At least 21 people, including journalists and politicians, were detained with raids on their homes in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, Kars and Mardin.
Many people, including Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) members and administrators, and journalists, were detained raids on their homes in Istanbul and its districts. During the raids carried out in the Esenyurt district of İstanbul, 9 people, including the Co-chair of the Marmara Association for Assistance of Families of Prisoners and Convicts (MATUHAYDER) Esin Çelik and HDP MPs were detained.
Vildan Atmaca, a reporter for the newspaper Şujin, which was closed with a Decree-Law during house raids, was also detained. It has been learned that Atmaca was taken into custody as part of the investigation opened on the grounds of the news articles she wrote in 2015 and 2016.
The 10 people who were taken into custody were taken to the Istanbul Security Directorate on Vatan Street. In addition, it was stated that a 24-hour lawyer restriction decision was taken against those detained.
Other detainees are as follows: HDP PM member Çiçek Arıç, HDP Esenyurt district administrators Çayan Yılmaz, Murat Turgut, Taner Karataş, Metin Burukanlı, Abdullah Arınan, Kıyasattin Kurt and Selami Yaman.
In the Hazro district of Diyarbakır, Mesur Çağıran was detained in a raid on his house early in the morning. It has been learned that Çağıran was detained as part of an investigation conducted by the Mardin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and was taken to Mardin to take his statement.
HDP provincial director Turan Altun, Human Rights Association (İHD) Kars Branch manager Ziyadin Can, Digor Municipality former Assembly Member Yaşar Budak and two people whose names could not be learned were detained in house raids in Kars and its districts. It has been learned that Özlem Özartaç and Halide Hasanoğlu were also summoned to testify within the scope of the same investigation.
Soldiers and police raided many houses in the Savur and Nusaybin districts of Mardin. Aysan Ataş and Cafer Ataş were detained in the rural neighborhoods of Ewêna (Sürgücü) and Kûzerib (Yazır) in Savur, and Veysi Ayrbaz was detained in Evîna District. Baki İpek, whose house was raided, could not be detained because he was not at home. It was stated that those detained were taken to the Mardin Provincial Gendarmerie Command.
Many houses were raided in the morning hours in Nusaybin district. Two young men, Mehmet Akçin and Ferhat Akçin, were detained during the raids.

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