Kurkut's mother: Don't forget Kemal when the Newroz fire is lit

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  • 10:20 20 March 2022
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MALATYA - Five years have passes since Kemal Kurkut was murdered by the police during Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakır. Kemal Kurkut's mother Secan Kurkut asked those who will participate in the celebrations this year to remember Kemal and said: "Think of Kemal everytime a Newroz fire is lit."
It has been 5 years since İnönü University Faculty of Fine Arts student Kemal Kurkut (23) was killed by the police during Newroz celebrations while he was trying to enter the are where the Newroz celebration will be held in Diyarbakır on March 21, 2017. While then Governor of Diyarbakır Hüseyin Aksoy made a statement claimin that Kurkut was a suicide bomber, the truth about the murder was revealed with 8 photos taken by journalist Abdurrahman Gök at the time of the incident.
Within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, 72 police officers were heard as witnesses and a lawsuit was filed against Yakup Şenocak, one of the police officers, on the charge of "murdering with probable intent". However, Diyarbakır 7th High Criminal Court acquitted the accused police officer on the grounds of "lack of evidence" despite the criminal, expert and National Criminal Bureau reports.In the reasoned decision, it was claimed that there was no "evidence" that Şenocak killed Kurkut despite the report and camera recordings. The council fee of Şenocak was paid by the Security General Directorate.
While the accused police officer was acquitted, the house of journalist Gök who photographed the murder was raided by the police twice. A law suit was filed against Gök for 'membership of a terrorist organisation' and 'propagandising a terrorist organisation'. 
We spoke to Kemal's mother Secan Kurkut on the anniversary of Kurkut's murder. Following the warning of Kemal's brother Ferhat Kurkut that Secan Kurkut can not enter Kemal's room, the interview was made at a different residence belonging to the family. Brother Kurkut said that Kemal's room left untouched following his death.
Everything Kemal loved like his books, violin, favorite shoes and computer are there in his roomç The only thing that changed in the room is the 13 new photos of Kemal, and a poem by Nevzat Çelik
Mother Secan Kurkut was kept in the dark regarding the developments on the case like the court's decision that there is a lack of evidence, the law suit filed against Journalist Gök, that her son was accused of being an 'aggressor' and that his murder was rightful.
While there are no photos of Kemal in the house because his mother can not handle seeing the photos, mother Secan Kurkut keeps a photo of Kemal with his violion close to her heart. Showing us the photo, mother Secan started telling us about Kemal...
Mother Secan Kurkut started speaking about Kemal with tears in her eyes. Explaining that Kemal lost his father when he was 4-years-old due to cancer, mother Secan said that Kemal was never able to hug his father because of the health issue of his father. Stating that after losing her husband, she raised her four children working in factories and agriculture, mother Kurkut said they have suffered a lot. Explaining that Kemal was a very sensitive, joyful and a very kind boy, mother Kurkut added that Kemal was also very shy but he loved music. Mother Kurkut said: "He always told that he wanted to sing when he graduated and said he will watke good care of me after he finishes school because I suffered too much."
Stating that Kemal told her that he will go to the Newroz Celebrations 20 days before the event, mother Kurkut said: "He told me he would go to Diyarbakır for Newroz celebrations after visiting his brother in Batman. I told him not to go. He never spoke to me about it after that. He was playing with the dog the night before at our yard. It was cold. I told him to come inside. It was the last time I saw him. He left a note at his room in the morning. He wrote that he head headphones on and he wanted us not to call him. I went to work. When I came back home, our house was full of people. They didn't tell me what happened. I insisted to know what happened then they told me he had an accident. In the morning, they took me to the morgue...That's when I found out my son was killed."
Stating that the body of his son was tortured, mother Kurkut told that the water was cut when the body was being washed, the municipality refused to allocate a funeral vehicle, and the municipality prevented him from being buried next to his father, claiming that the land belonged to the municipality. Asking the police force why they killed her son for the last five years, mother Kurkut said that she never saw the photos taken by journalist Gök. Mother Kurkut said: "They shot and killed my son and they are walking free. I will continue to pursue justice for my son."
Asking what did kids like Kemal, Berkin and Ali İsmail did wrong that they deserved to be killed, mother Kurkut said: "What kind of a justice is this? What kind of a state? Those who killed out children should be punished. The court acquitted the killer and killed my son one more time. I want justice. Stop killing our children. They have hopes and dreams. They want to live. I still have hope that I will get justice. We will fight to the last drop of our blood to get justice. We are still in pain. He went to celebrate Newroz. They didn't let him do it."
Stating that Newroz is a holiday for the other people but a painful day for her, mother Kurkut said: "Those who will attend the celebrations today should remember Kemal. Say his name out loud. Remember Kemal everytime a Newroz fire is lit. Don't forget Kemal. We will be happy if the area where the celebrations will be held is filled with people. Don't leave us alone."
MA / Emrullah Acar

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