Investigation in the blockaded neighborhood in Kirkuk

  • actual
  • 13:00 11 January 2024
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ŞIRNEX - A delegation formed to represent the Iraqi Prime Minister inspected the Newroz District of Kirkuk, which is under blockade. Heading the delegation, Dr. Amir Ciburi said that the residents of the neighborhood will present their demands to Prime Minister Sudani. 
Representing Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Sudani and Dr. The delegation headed by Amir Ciburi visited and inspected the Newroz District of Kirkuk, which was blockaded by the Iraqi army. The delegation examined the houses and streets blockaded by the Iraqi army forces and exchanged views with the public.
The delegation made a statement after conducting inspections and interviews. Heading the delegation was Dr. Amir Ciburi stated that they visited the neighborhood upon the instructions of the Prime Minister and wanted to listen to the demands of the people of Kirkuk and said: “We will present the demands of the residents of the neighborhood to the Prime Minister. No issue is unsolvable”
YNK (Kurdistan Patriot Union) Judge Elmas Fazıl, who attended the meeting with the public along with the delegation, spoke to Rojnews about the meetings held. Fazıl stated that the meetings will continue and said: “A delegation was formed upon the instructions of the Prime Minister and this delegation visited the Newroz Neighborhood. We gave all the documents guaranteeing the rights of the people to the incoming delegation. We wanted the houses to either be sold or rented to the public. The state owns the houses, not the Ministry of Defense. Meetings will continue tomorrow. The delegation will be transparent in its work”

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