UN Syria Independent Investigation Commission: War crimes committed in Efrîn

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  • 14:09 28 February 2019
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GENEVA - The United Nations Syrian Independent Investigation Commission said they believed that war crimes were committed in Efrîn and said arbitrary detentions, harrassment,  bribery, looting is experiences intensely in the region Turkish soldiars reside.

The Independent Syrian Investigation Commission, established under the United Nations (UN), issued its report on human rights violations in Syria between July 2018 and January 15, 2019. Within the scope of the report, one-on-one interviews with 271 people were done, satellite images, photographs, video and medical reports and reports from the state and non-governmental organizations were used to the 20-page report where the rights violations are listed and proposals towards solutions took place.
In the report where attentions are being drawn to the fact that the 'Olive Branch Operation' initiated by Turkey on March 2018 has aggravated consequences for the people living in Efrin, " With the operation Efrin, arbitrary detentions and arrests have become prevalent. There are no efficient mechanisms here for the people to make complaints about the violations of rights, the judicial system is uneffective. There are many armed actors in many regions and they have conflicts of power between them. Just like in idlib, crime organizations kidnap people and demand ransom" was said.
In the report where it's being emphasized that armed groups frequently does pillaging, oliver harvests have been looted. The report reveals that the armed groups collects money from the people under the name of 'taxes', and they harrass the women trying to cross the check points and take bribes.
According to the report that says :"As the commission we believe that war crimes are being committed by the armed groups in Efrin'  despite the fact that Turkish troops are said to be withdrawn from Efrin and Azaz, the people living there testified that they are still in the area.
Report continued: "We have information that Turkish troops are using the schools as military bases. Turkey finances  administrative, judicial and executive institutions and coordinate their financing in Efrin. Civillians living in the area have to carry ID cards given by Turkey in order to travel freely in the area. The civil officers here are chosen and trained by Turkey."
According to the report similar difficulties are being experienced in places close to the government like East Guta and Dara where people have difficulty in accesing medicine and health care.
In the report where it is revelaed that In the North-West of Syria, where the situation is relatively improved , the situation is re-mobilized by the clashes between Tahrir al-Sham and other armed groups, and that the civilians have been greatly affected by the clashes that causes destruction. 
It is said in the report that the people living in İdlib are stuck between the two administrations run by Tahrir El-Şam and other armed groups, the people are deprevied of basic rights. The report also says that many civillians were killed by ISIS , armed groups and groups close to the regime in İdlib, Halep, Dêre Zor ve Suweyda.
In the report where İdlib that were supposed to be disarmed in scope of the agreement made between Turkey and Russia, there are many violations of rights, killings (including children), torture, arbitrary detentions and arrests was emphasized.
The report suggests that while many civillians were rescued in the operations run by Democratic Syria Forces (QSD), because the countries doesn't take back the family members of ISIS members, many people including ISIS member's wives and children are being kept in detention centers waiting to be judged.The report also suggests that there might be ISIS members being kept by USA and SGD, it was stated that their access to law should be secured.
In the report where the attention is drawn to the fact that while according to the aggreement made between Turkey and Russia, North East region should have been disarmed, but the armed groups antagonize to this and conflicts occur, it is said that QSD took back many cities from ISIS in the north east but Turkey's attacks against YPG is sidetracking the operations against ISIS. According to the report, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is planning another attack campaign to YPG camps.
The head of the UN Syrian Investigation Commission, Paulo Pinheiro, and commissioners Karen Abuzayd and Hanny Megally will hold a press conference today at the UN building in Geneva to answer questions from journalists. The report will also be discussed at the 40th Human Rights Council's Human Rights Council, which will run from February 25th until March 22nd.
MA / Rüştü Demirkaya

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