Bilici: CHP is as resposible for the hunger strikes as the government

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  • 12:28 29 March 2019
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DİYARBAKIR- IHD CEB Member Raci Bilici, who pointed out that the isolation is a violation of  the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, criticized  CHP's stance towards hunger strikes and said, 'If you are walking for miles for justice; you need to be sincere.'

While the hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven initiated is continuing on its 142nd day, the hunger strike action have spreaded to all prisons on March 1. Raci Bilici, a member of the Central Executive Board of the Human Rights Association (IHD), evaluated the isolation issue, the hunger strike actions and the increased violations of rights in prisons.
Bliici who stated that the isolation on Abdullah Öcalan is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, said: "Whoever isolation is imposed on, it is a crime against humanity. This is an international definition. Isolation is a type of torture. Torture cannot be done under any circumstance. It is an accepted concept and governments have accepted this by signing international conventions. Isolation is torture, torture is a crime against humanity no matter who is subjected to it."
Bilici who underlined that isolation is against the grain, said: " There are regulations taking place in the constitution, and conventions that Turkey is a party in. Every citizen has their right to see their attorneys, family, legal guardian and a right to phone calls. They cannot be prevented under any circumstances ."
Bilici who stated that the hunger strikes initiated by DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven is a reaction, said: "Hunger strike is the last resort of a prisoner.This is the last kind of action one can chose.You have to acknowladge their demands. You have to end isolation in terms of human's rights, politics and law. This country's interest and social peace requires this. This is a reality. Hunger strikes should be examined well. We are seriously concerned about the consequences of this. "
Bilici who stated that not only the government but also CHP is responsible for the negative outcomes of the hunger strikes, said: "If you are willing to walk for miles for justice, you have to be sincere. I am criticizing CHP as much as I am critisizing the political power. You can not define your self as a social democrat, pursue justice and ignore a member of the parliament who is on the the threshold of death and don't make a single comment or statement about it."

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