Health condition of Writer Çınar on hunger strike deteriorates

  • actual
  • 11:51 22 April 2019
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İZMİR- Zafer İncin, attorney of writer İlhami Çınar who is on hunger strike in Şakran Prison for 108 days, stated that Çınar who has been deteriorating must have surgery.
The health condition of writer İlhami Çınar who is on hunger strike in Şakran No 1 Type T Closed Prison since January 5 demanding the termination of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is deteriorating.
Attorney Zafer İncin who visited Çınar who is on hunger strike for 108 days last friday, said his hemorrhoids have progressed. İncin said: "Because of the hunger strike, the lack of nutrition harms his bowels further.He had a bleed 15 days ago because of his sickness. The doctors say he needs surgery as soon as possible. He declined the surgery because he is on hunger strike. He says he will accept the surgery if the isolation is terminated and the hunger strikes end. Currently he is being given gastroprotectives.
Attorney İncin also stated that the violations of rights continue increasing in prisons, said the female prisoners are being forces to drink tap water. Attorney İncin stated that they will make the necessary applications regarding the issue, also stated that the letters of the prisoners are not being given. 

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