Call from the family of İhsan Bulut who is on a death fast


ADANA - Ahmet Bulut, father of İhsan Bulut who is on a death fast in Van High Security Prison, called on to the defenders of democracy and said: "Don't remain unresponsive, don't let people die" while he made a call to the authorities and said: "Meet the demands".

İhsan Bulut who is a prisoner in Van High Security Closed Prison, turned the hunger strike action he joined at February 23, to a death fast since April 30 with 14 other prisoners. Bulut who started a death fast with Ahmet Anığı, Özhan Cehyan, Vedat Özağar and Erol Cengiz, was born in Siirt in 1992.
Bulut was arrested in December 28,2011 for participating in a protest about Roboski Massacre and was sentenced to 15 years. Bulut who was later judged by the Supreme Court, was sentenced to 7 years with the accusation of 'being a member of an illegal organization and committing crimes in its name'. 
Bulut who went to the funeral of his friend Seyithan Dede who was shot by the police, was shot by the police himself at the wake. 
Father Ahmet Bulut who stated that their son had called him every saturday, said he last saw his son on December 2018 because of financial difficulties and the prison is so far away from their resident. Father Bulut said: "I am trying to take care of my children as a night watchmen, said he is happy that their relatives that live in Van are visiting his son. Father Bulut who evaluated the decision of his son going on a death fast, said: "This is their will. I respect his will. He always tells us he is doing fine and that we should take care of ourselves first."
Father Bulut critisizing the silence of the society, demanded the demand of the prisoners be met before any more deaths. Father Bulut who called on to the President and the Minister of Justice, said: 'Meet the demands'. Bulut said: "If they are talking about Islam and humanity, the government should take care of their own people before Palastine or Venezuela. I am calling on to those who defends democracy and humanity, we too have rights. Our people should not die just because they are demanding their rights. Don't remain silent, don't let our people die."

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